Quotes About Ex Friends biography
FriEnDsHiP QuOtEz
Quotes about best friends, ex friends, and even guy friends.
Lately, i gotta watch what i say.
You take things personal now a days.
You use to laugh and now you get mad..
damn I just want my best friend back.
Sometimes growing up
means growing a p a r t.
Pe0pLe thEsE daYz aRe to0 FaKe.
ThEy sAy "I'm aLwaYz heRe foR y0u!"
BiTch pLeaSe! Give mE a bReaK.
don't think you're sneaky,
i see your little games,
like when you walk around saying
[[you heard this and that]]
but can't mention any names
some say that time changes
best friends can become stangers
Nowadays there's no honor, only drama.
Your friend today can be your enemy tomorrow.
[no more games . no more drama]
when you wanna be real gimme a holla
Another lesson learned.
Better know your friends
or else you'll get *burned*
* So if I have to leave you, *
* I want you to know that in the end, *
* it wasn't because I stopped caring. *
* It was because you stopped being a friend. *
* Though I'm missin' you, I'll find a way to make it through livin' without
you. Cause you were my sister, my strength and my pride, only God may
know why, still I will get by... *
* U sAiD dat u HaD mY bAcK
ThRoUgH tHe GoOd TiMeS aNd ThE bAd
WhEn I wAs HaPpY oR wHeN i WaS sAd
BuT wHeN i TrUeLy NeEdEd U
AnD cOuLdN't MaKe It ThRoUgH
WhEn I LoOkEd BeHiNd Me To SeE iF u WeRe ThErE
I ReaLiZeD dat u TrUeLy DiDn'T cArE *
*The two hardest things to say in life
are hello for the first time
and goodbye for the last *
~What upsets me is not that you lied to me,
but that from now on I can longer believe you.~
You say I'm going to fight your battles,
well girl your -wrong-
I knew your weren't my best friend all along
I thought you were my friend and we would be together until the end
but you fucked everything up and said shit that wasn't true
so now you gotta pay bitch -- all the blame is on you.
Friends are like roses...
you have to look out for the pricks!
I guess in the end people become the people
-->that they promised they'd never be...
I'll remember the laughter as we go our separate ways,
but there's so much we're learning and we can not be afraid.
There's a world outside our door and nothing in our way,
but if it's not what we're looking for, we'll meet again someday.
It's funny how you can grow away from your friends,
when just a few years ago they were the most important people in your life.
you never understood me
you didn't even *try*
i never wanted this to be
but I'm saying goodbye
Maybe not all friendships are meant to be saved...
Maybe we're meant to spend a certain part of our lives with certain people
..and move on..
Even if we never talk again
*please remember *
that I am forever changed
By [[wh0 y0u are]]
and what y0u meant t0 me
I never thought I'd have to say goodbye
I never thought our friendship would die
The true value of a best friend can never be lost...only forgotten.
I've lied to you, you've lied to me,
We've cried together too.
Sometimes it seems like you hate me,
I know you feel it too.
I wish it was back when it was just me and you.
I thought we were friends, but then I realized you lied to me,
called me names and weren't behind me anymore.
I thought that was what friends were for.
Best friends are like bread knives,
they can help you lots but they can hurt you badly too.
As soon as you start to let go, they start to catch on...
when they come back (like always) laugh in their face and never give in...
they should've realized what they had before they said good-bye...sucks for them.
Notice: there actually is an *end* in friendship.
I never wanted it to end
but you left me and fell for my friend.
Now you're both smiling cuz you got some one new.
I ain't cryin but all I'll say is Fuck Both of You.
It's never your enemies that get you
It's always your own people
DeALiN WiT backstabBeRs ThErEs oNe ThInG i'Ve LeArNeD-
-TheY aRe OnLy PoWeRFuL wHeN uR BaCk iS TuRnEd-
Things change, and so do I.
friendships change too, I always wonder why...
yOu StArT backstabbInG mE
aNd GoInG aGaInSt YoUr WoRd
ThInKiNg "Oh ShE'lL nEvEr FiNd OuT
gUeSs WhAt...
*I hEaRd*
s0metymes y0ur [.Best friends.] are really enemies in disguise
Take out the picture blow off the dust
Take off the frame it's starting 2 rust
Remember the timez we had together
What happened 2 bein Best Friends Forever
No matter how hard i seem to try
u turn around and TwiSt my words into a lie
are friendships supposed to be like this?
cuz if they are...then i *quit*
WhEn sHyT gOeS dOwN n SiDeS aRe tAkEn u FiNd OuT
wHo WaS *rEaL* n WhO wAs *FaKiN*
ThRu Da ToUgHeSt TiMeZ u MaDe mE SaD
U jUsT HaD To PuT sHiT In My FaCe 2 MaKe Me MaD
i'Ve HaD eNoUgH oF aLL ThaT YoU dO
ThInK u GoT mE CoNqUeReD oVa? WeLL sCrEw u ToO
PeOpLe TaLk a LiL tOo MucH...
U nEvA kNoW jUsS wHo 2 TrUst
You could care less about me-*
I know I know you don't give a fvck -* it shows
Don't come crawling to me-* when it ends
I used to actually feel like-* your best friend
p r 0 m i s e D we`D be FrienDs TiLL the Day we Die
buT iT aLL enDs wiTh a n e w frienD or a GoOdbYe
I wish LiFe was like a -Fairy Tale-
and people were always friends
instead of these non-stop disasters
that NEVER want to eNd
*y0u* just g0tta deal with the sh1t pe0ple *d0*
n0t every0ne in life is g0nna stay *true*
ItS sOo irOniC HoW bEsT fRiEnDs JuSt sLip
aNd ThEy BeCoMe EnEmieS sOo DaNg QuIcK
OnE wRoNg PhRaSe CoULd cOsT 4 YeArs
mAkE tHe PeRfEcT fRiEnDsHiP gO dOwN iN TeArs
KnOwN yOo FoR MaDd LoNg
YeT aLL oF a SuDdEn tHinGz ArE gOiNg So WrOng
Some people don't catch on, they rather just pretend*
While things are going smooth, they smile and call you 'friend'.
Funny how you never know who cares until it hurts,
and when it's over, does it matter who blew off who first?
*I miss you so much..
you were my best friend
Even though we were little
my memories of us will never end*
)) i HatE tHiS LiFe ((
)) cUz Im SicK oF iT ((
(( aLL mY sO cAlLeD fRiEnDz R fUlL oF ShYt ))
I didn?t ask for it to be over but then again,
I never asked for it to begin.
is *10* letters but so is..
_.* ThE MorE FriendZ YoU HaVe *._
_.* ThE MorE ProblemZ YoU SeE *._
_.* CuZ EveryOnE ThatS A ParT Of uR LifE *._
_.* TaLkS cRaP WheN YoU CanT SeE *._
What goes around comes around.
That's what people say.
so all the pain you caused me
will come back to you someday.
Neither of us meant for things to be this way.
If things went differently, maybe we'd still talk today.
I wanna act like nothings botherin me
Like everything's terrific
I got a couple problems with people
I won't get specific.
We UsEd tO bE tIgHt,ThEn We GoT iNtO a FiGhT,
i DiDnT eXaCtLy KnOw WuT wUz GoInG oN,
nExT tHiNg I kNeW yOu WeRe GoNe
what is it like to become what you once despised?
what is it like to pile lies on top of lies?
you're the lowest of the low so now you sink into your Hell.
All the people you used, it's coming back to you.
All of the promises broke, on them you fuckin choke.
No one stays true.
It's like an addiction
cuz ain't no one real ..
it's all * fiction *
The list just keeps getting
[[shorter and shorter]]
and there's fakes around every corner.
*Never turn your back on your friends. That's the best target.*
Ya Mess wit my grlz Ya mess wit me
Hurt em then u'll see I'll make ur lyfe a livin hell
I'll give my lyfe for em N' take urz as well
mE + mY gUrLz r da mind sHoCkin.bodii roCkin
EarTh sHakin.monEY makin siTTin HigH.Lo0kin
FLii kinda gUrLz da 1'z daddii warnEd u b0uT ¹4³
ur the best of friends that could never
b replaced our memories could never b erased
wut evr we go thru we go thru
2gether sisters 2day.. 2morrow- 4evr
nothing means more then wut we
share n o o n e can compare
no one could ever top your spots*
ur my sisters n the best thing i got
i love my girls thru thick n thin
n thas the way its always been
2many memories 2 even count
best friends wit out a doubt
were one of a kind wit krazi times
i luv u girls- my partners in crime
u can have a smile on your face and a twinkle
in your eye but only a tru best friend
knows that ur really about to cry
crazi dayz.. hallarious nites.. hour long talks..
pillow fites.. no matter wut..
we'll always b tite.. my girls 4ever.. 4evr so right
OuR FrieNdShip BrinGs OnE GuArEnTeE
iLL bE ThErE 4 U fOr EtErNiTy! Ur BeSt fReiNdZ
dOn'T pReTeNd THeY r uR gRLz tiL
tHe eNd CRoS uR heArT hOpE 2 dIe
nEvR hAvE 2 sAy gOoDByE bOrRoW
nE-tHiNg tELL u EvRyThIng ThErE w/o
qUeStIoNiNg sisTeRs nOt bOrN
2gEtHa mOsT oF aLL 4EvA....
thingz change b ppl dO tOo but my luv
gOes Out 2 a certain few the Ones whO r there
thru goOd n bad i'd say their the best friendz i've ever had
l0neLiineSS & emptiineSS wud bE my 0nLy fRiiend iiF
y0u weRent theRe t0 c0mf0rt me untiiL tha veRii end;
y0u d0 tHa »haRdesT« thinG`z in liiFe th0uqh they
aRe aLwayz t0uGh .. buT c0nsequenCez aRent
made eaSy tHey aLway*z tuRn 0ut rouGh..
ii neveR onCe feLt judGed by y0u ..
y0u listen'd t0 aLL that ii had t0 say..
y0u battLed aLL my feaRz in liFe ..
untiL tHey wenT away ;
y0u l00ked pasT aLL my faiiLiinG p0iinTz ;
y0u l00ked pasT aLL tHa liiez..
y0u heLped me thr0uGh tha t0uGh timez wid famiiLy,
fRiiendz, 0r quyz ; ii thank y0u f0r tHa memoRiiez
thaT we have aLwayz shaRed . .
y0u heLpeD me wiin my battLe*z --»
y0u`ve sh0wn me tHaT --» y0u caRed «--
ItS sOo IrOnIc HoW bEsT fRiEnDs JuSt SlIp aNd
ThEy BeCoMe EnEmIeS sOo Damn
QuIcK OnE wRoNg PhRaZe CoUlD cOsT
YeArZ mAkE tHe PeRfEcT fRiEnDsHiP gO dOwN iN YeArS
~*~*Friends are 4ever, Guyz are whatever,
When worst comez 2 worst, My girlz come 1st!*~*
ThEsE tHrEe aRe MaH GIrLz FoReVa tHeRe
ThRU rAiN n ShYnE..aLL tYpEsa WeAtHa
wHeN oUr FrIeNdShiP iZ eVa TeStEd bY a
BoY aInT nO fELLa iN tHe WoRLd wHo CaN tAkE oUr JoY
id do anything for these girls cause
i know theyd do anything for me
Sometimes me think, "What is [friend]?"
And then me think, "[Friend] is what the last chocolate chip
cookie is [for]." -Cookie Monster
.. * these girls are my heart * .. ..
* i aint gonna lie * .. .. * if they ever go down
* .. .. * so will i * ..
fRieNdS tRy tO PrOvE YOu'rE nOT *R*E*t*A*r*D*E*d* psHycHoPaTh bESt fRiends
ShaRe tHe *R E T a R d n E s S* wIth yOu
Friends will come and friends will go,
The seasons change and it will show,
I will age and so will you But our friendship stays,
strong and true
Standing by, All the way. Here to help you through your day.
Holding you up, When you are weak,
Helping you find what it is you seek.
Catching your tears, When you cry.
Pulling you through when the tide is high.
Absorbing your voice When you talk.
Standing by when you learn to walk. Just being there,
Through thick and thin, All just to say, you are my friend.
Quotes About Ex Friends Tumblr Taglog Forever Leaving Being Fake Changeing With benefits and family leting Your Down Hurting You

Quotes About Ex Friends Tumblr Taglog Forever Leaving Being Fake Changeing With benefits and family leting Your Down Hurting You
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